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  • Nachhaltig und fair.
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Essential Architecture - The History of Western Architecture / Daniel Borden

Artikelnummer: 3937

3,00 €
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Lieferzeit: 3 Tag(e)


Ausgabe: Taschenbuch, 560 Seiten

Verlag: Bloomsbury Specialist, 2008

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-13: 978-0713688399

ISBN-10: 0713688394

Zustand: gebraucht, Einband an Ecken berieben u. bestoßen, Falten in Laminierung, Widmung auf vorderem fliegenden Blatt, Namenseintrag auf Titelblatt

Hinweis: Bitte beachten Sie die Zustandsklassifizierung.


This is a handy, quick reference guide to Western architecture from prehistoric times up to the present. The book is arranged in chronological order, covering all the main time periods (Antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance etc.), movements such as Neo-classicism, Modernism etc. and well-known architects. There are time lines before each section as well as brief introductions as to what is happening politically, socially and scientifically at the time, and also in-depth looks at the famous architects of the period. The text is accessible and authoritative. Highly illustrated and with a layout that is easy to follow, this is, in short, an ideal quick guide to the history of Western architecture.